
dimecres, 7 de desembre del 2016

The Fonix 2017 i Premi Literari d'anglès

L'alumnat del centre interessat a participar a la convocatòria del Fonix 2017 ja pot comunicar-ho a la seva professora d'anglès per confirmar la seva assistència a l'examen de la Fase Local, la qual tindrà lloc a La Llauna el 24 de gener.

  • 24th  January 2017, at 4.00 pm, tests at La Llauna (Local Stage).
  • Saturday 25th  February at 12:00 o'clock: the Regional Stage will take place.
  • From 3rd  April on, the winners of the Regional Stage will be published on the web-site.
  • Saturday 29th April: the Final Stage of the competition will take place.
  • From 12th May, the final classifications of the winners at the Final Stage of the competition will be published.
  • Friday 19th May: the FONIX award ceremony of prizes and diplomas will take place.

The following prizes will be awarded to the 112 candidates who classify for the final stage of the competition:
  • 4 two-week stays in “English Summer Camps” in Catalonia for the four winners in the 5º pri. to 2nd ESO categories.
  • 4 two-week stays in an English-speaking country for the four winners in the 3rd ESO to 2nd de Batxillerat/ Grau Superior de Cicles Formatius categories.
  • 8 weekend holiday camps and 8 standard on line English courses for the runners-up in each of the 8 categories
  • 32 standard on line English courses for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth placed candidates in each of the 8 categories.
  • Sets of study materials for the remaining finalists.

D'altra banda aquells/es qui vulgueu participar al Premi Literari Saint Paul's recordeu que cal lliurar l'escrit a la vostra professora d'anglès el dia 22 de desembre, com a màxim. Us podeu mirar les bases del  Premi Literari clicant AQUÍ.